Coating Technology - trattamento rivestimenti superficiali articoli in gomma a Bergamo


Identity and contact details of the data controller

The holder of the data processing and storage through this website may be:
Coating Technology S.r.l. with headquarters in Via Cercone 13/15, 24060 Castelli Calepio (BG) - ITALIA.
Coating Technology S.r.l. can be contacted directly at the email address:

Categories of subjects involved: sources and recipients of recorded data

In order for this site to offer all its services and allow an effective meeting between user and owner, we need to collect your personal data.

Legal basis and purpose of the processing

Your personal data is essential to initiate any contact by the owner and make it possible to manage the data collected.

Categories of personal data in question

It is essential for us to know the name and surname, to have a contact reference and a possible free text message.

Duration of storage or criteria

The personal data acquired are stored in our database until the cancellation is requested by the interested party. The data will be canceled within a maximum of one month from the receipt of the cancellation request.

Type of Cookies

To find out what types of cookies are installed by this site when you access them, we invite you to view our cookie policy.

Rights of the interested party

You can obtain from us the transmission of your data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device. In addition to our company Coating Technology S.r.l. also you can always request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, oppose their treatment in the cases provided for by the current legislation or propose a complaint to the authority for privacy in case of non-compliance by the owner of the requests set forth in this paragraph.

Data processing also applies to e-mails sent spontaneously by users to the addresses published on the website.

To exercise these rights, send your request to the email address


Insieme troveremo la soluzione migliore per te.

Contattaci Contatta Coating Technology S.r.l.